Ladies and Gentlemen!! Hot news, Hot news!!
Nuffnang - the best asia-pacific's blog advertisement community had posted a contest held by the Sony Pictures that is open for public.
This contest is about the movie of "2012" that is to be screen on 12th November 2009.

Below is the description of this movie posted by Nuffnang:This contest is about the movie of "2012" that is to be screen on 12th November 2009.

"Disaster movie maven Roland Emmerich (Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow) crafts this apocalyptic sci-fi thriller following an academic researcher who opens a portal into a parallel universe, making contact with his double in an effort to prevent the catastrophic prophecies of the ancient Mayan calendar from coming to pass. According to the Mayan calendar, the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012. When a global cataclysm thrusts the world into chaos, divorced writer and father Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) uses his knowledge of the ancient prophecies to ensure that the human race is not completely wiped out."
The online contest wants us to share what we would like to keep in a TIME CAPSULE to survive 2012’s disaster. And we are acquire to take down a photo of the item that we want to keep in the time capsule. WOW~ well i had joined this contest and guess what i wanted to put in the time capsule???
The answer is my PHONE - k 550i .. Haha why? Well because after escaping the disaster, i have my phone along with me, when i am alone i could listen to the musics i had saved inside my phone, when i am bored i can play the games inside my phone, when i miss my family and friends i can always view back the pictures that we had took together inside my phone, when the sun goes down, i can always turn on the light of my phone to brighten the surroundings~ Well, there is a question. What if it runs out of battery? Of course, i had taken the picture of my phone, handsfree and phone charger and it all goes in one set!! =) This is the photo i sent:
My Slogan is: Brighten your life with musics, remember your love ones by viewing the pictures and light up the surroundings when the darkness came! =)
Well this contest is very interesting and fun, i hope all of you that viewed my blog could dropp by the website of .Thank you for supporting Nuffnang and Sony Pictures and thank you for supporting me too =).
The answer is my PHONE - k 550i .. Haha why? Well because after escaping the disaster, i have my phone along with me, when i am alone i could listen to the musics i had saved inside my phone, when i am bored i can play the games inside my phone, when i miss my family and friends i can always view back the pictures that we had took together inside my phone, when the sun goes down, i can always turn on the light of my phone to brighten the surroundings~ Well, there is a question. What if it runs out of battery? Of course, i had taken the picture of my phone, handsfree and phone charger and it all goes in one set!! =) This is the photo i sent:
Well this contest is very interesting and fun, i hope all of you that viewed my blog could dropp by the website of .Thank you for supporting Nuffnang and Sony Pictures and thank you for supporting me too =).
i hope u win man..good luck...!